Triplets…. What Now?

by sue on October 5, 2010

in Parenting

So you just found out you’re having triplets…. If you’re looking on the Internet, you have probably stopped crying, or perhaps you are still crying and reading this post through tears, but stay with me, I think I can help you get through this rough patch, and ready for the next one.

Although it was hard to admit because I was so afraid of what others would think, my tears were not happy, like.. oh how blessed I am to be having 3 babies, mine were… what-am-I-going-to-do tears, and it was very scary.

Are You Sure, there's 3?!?!

For all you parents that are appalled by my comments, please take a moment and think or know that maybe you are the lucky one that didn’t have to go through this phase, and good-for-you, but some of us, heck, a lot of us, did go through this and it would have been nice to know that there isn’t anything wrong with us, it’s just part of our triplet process.

And this and so many other reasons is why I decided to start this blog.

I’m the mom of 4 beautiful children, 3 of which are triplets. I will write about my life with triplets, tips to making life a little easier, diapers, diapers, and more diapers, potty training, the terrible 2′s, & even worse 3′s, sleep schedules (yes they will sleep through the night), eating schedules, baby food (semi-homemade) and anything else that we may need help with.

Why join this blog? I truly believe that we are all different and parent differently, so I hope we can share ideas of what has worked, without making anyone feel like the information is being shoved down your throat. So please keep in mind that what works for you, may not work for others, but just knowing that someone else is going through the same thing you are – might be enough.

So welcome to 4littlebees, I’m glad you’re here!


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